Trafficking in Women for the Sex Industry in Moldova


The study of human trafficking in Moldova is of particular importance because:
·         Moldova is a post-Soviet transition country and is an origination country for women who have been trafficked as a result of,
·         among other reasons, unstable economic conditions and the absence of the rule of law.

Since its independence, Moldova has remained a country in which:
·         women’s rights are not acknowledged,
·         the feminization of poverty defines women’s life decisions,
·         corruption reigns, and
·         the government remains reluctant to acknowledge its role in the prevention and prosecution of trafficking in women.

The trafficking of women for the sex industry in Europe has experienced a boom of productivity and exploitation since the collapse of the communist system in the former Soviet bloc and elsewhere in Eastern Europe. As a result of the resulting shift in the political climate and economy (from a socialist to a capitalist system),
·         levels of unemployment and poverty have skyrocketed,
·         the rule of law has collapsed, and inappropriate judicial systems have allowed the black market economy and corruption to flourish.
o   The smuggling of goods, arms, and people;
o   corrupt state employees; organized crime groups; and
o   an acceptance of illegal ways to earn money have unfortunately become the new norm in this region.

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