The international Scope of Trafficking in Women and Children

The origination countries of trafficking in women and children can be classified as coming from four regions of the world. These are:
  1. East and Central Europe,
    • Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Hungary, the Republic of Georgia, Slovakia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, the Czech Republic, Latvia, Estonia, Romania, Albania, and so on
  2.  East and Southeast Asia,
    •  India, China, Thailand, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Vietnam, Indonesia, Taiwan, South Korea, Malaysia, Myanmar, and the Philippines.
  3. South and Central America—including Mexico in the North,
    • Brazil, Argentina, El Salvador, Panama,Venezuela, Colombia, Guatemala, Nicaragua, and Honduras
  4.  Africa
    •  Nigeria, South Africa, Ghana, Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast, Togo, Benin Republic, Rwanda, Burundi, Liberia, Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Cameroon, Zimbabwe, Sudan, Chad, Zaire, Somalia, Tanzania, Mozambique, and Angola. 

Destination countries for trafficked women and children include:

  1.  Western European countries, especially Italy, the Netherlands, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, and Spain.
  2.  Other destination countries are the Nordic states, Canada, the United States, Israel, Australia, Japan, and Middle East.
Nations that are both origination and destination countries are:
  1. China, India, Nigeria, Russia, Hungary, Ukraine, South Africa, and Kenya

To make its easier to understand these movement of people that been trafficking, these figure might help you to understand more clearly:

Till then, see you next time

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