
Hai guys.. Welcome to my blog,

My name is NUR QUIAH RAMLEE and most of my friend called me QUIAH and sometimes KEY..  just don’t ask me, meaning behind my name because I just need to elaborate it and you definitely don’t want to waste your time hearing/reading the history of my life.  Which totally takes almost a day…

Back to the topic, well I’m now 3rd year student of Development Science in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia or National University of Malaysia. By writing in this blog, I’m going to share with your guys my point of view about globalization especially in global trafficking of women and children.

I guess that most of u already well know about this particular issues as trafficking in women and children is a global phenomenon so it’s been heavily debate in many book, article, conference and so on. When we been told this over and over again it’s just make us a bit ignorant about the facts that there is an innocent women/girls or children that been discriminate and exploit like some kind of goods by some organization to gain a mere profit. Human trafficking and the type of inhumane treatment meted out to trafficked women and children in various parts of the world portray an abject decay of morality and the absence of a cult of good manners. Many countries, particularly the developed nations, were too slow to respond to the challenges of trafficking in women and children. Many religious organizations and NGOs have been sounding alarms in various channel. 

so this blog going to discuss or in this case might be a summary (hihihihi) of this particular book:

And of course together with others additional reading that going to be discuss about these issues/.

Till next time,

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